Daily Archives - March 20, 2020

How Much is Bail for DWI in Dallas, Texas?

How Much is Bail for DWI in Dallas, Texas?

Being charged with a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) in Dallas, Texas, is a serious accusation and can have a severe impact on your life. Following an arrest, you will be placed in jail until a judge sets a bail amount. After posting bail, you should immediately contact an experienced Dallas DWI attorney such as Jay Brooks Bishop IV at The Dallas DWI Specialists. He’s fought and won many DWI cases, and he can help defend you. 

What Is Bail?

The term “bail” refers to a set monetary amount determined in order to be released from jail and later return to court for a hearing or trial after being released. Instead of paying the full amount, an alleged offender can also be released on a bail bond or personal bond (cash, bond, or other security), which will guarantee that you will return for your court hearing. 

Personal bonds allow a judge to release an individual on his word that he will return to court without the assurance of security, but this is rare for DWI cases.

Who Can Post Bail?

An alleged offender can hire a bondsman to post bail on their behalf if he or she cannot pay his or her bail. Bondsmen usually charge a fee (generally about 15% of the bond itself) to post bond. 

The bondsman releases liability, and funds are returned if the arrested individual follows through and makes the appointed court appearance. If the alleged offender does not appear in court, the bondsman is held accountable and must pay the full bond or bring the individual to court.

A family member or friend may also pay the bond, but there must be a bail bond agent licensed in Texas able to post the bond on behalf of the family. Your attorney can also post a bond for you, but that attorney must then also legally represent you in any court hearings and trials.

What Factors Determine How Much Bail Will Be?

Many different factors determine the bail price, so there is no definitive amount. In general, a first-time offender for DWI will have bail set between $200 and $1000, depending on the judge and the circumstances. This number can also be raised or lowered with the judge’s prerogative. Other factors which may alter the amount of bail set by a judge include:

  • Any past DWI convictions
  • Prior convictions which indicate violence or flight risk upon release
  • Willingness to submit to mandatory blood alcohol level testing
  • Any aggravating factors included in the DWI charge
  • Probation violation from a previous incident

Some counties in Texas have a predetermined bail schedule used to determine bail in a variety of circumstances. Regardless of the bail price, it is always best to contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. 

Need Help with Your Dallas DWI Case? Contact Us For Help

If you or a loved one has been charged with a DWI in Dallas, Texas, contact us for a free consultation to discuss your options. Our firm is ready and willing to fight the charges and work tirelessly on your defense. We have the knowledge and skills to defend your rights and give you the best chance of overcoming your DWI charges.


5 Things To Do When You Get A DWI in Dallas, Texas

5 Things To Do When You Get A DWI in Dallas

No matter who you are or what the circumstances may be, getting pulled over by the police can be a stressful and frightening situation. However, there is a significant difference between getting pulled over for speeding or failing to signal and a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). A speeding ticket or other moving violation can affect you financially and with your insurance, but a DWI can have a severe impact on your life.

At The Dallas DWI Specialists, we are dedicated to defending you and working tirelessly to beat your DWI charges or get them reduced. To get you on the right track, here are five things you should remember if you get pulled over and charged with a DWI in Dallas, Texas. 

What To Do When You Get a DWI

When a police officer pulls you over, he or she will ask you some questions to determine if you have been drinking or are otherwise intoxicated. It is important that you are polite, answer the questions, and expect to be asked to vacate your vehicle. This situation can be scary, but try to remain as calm as possible.

Have Your Information Ready

Whenever you are pulled over for a traffic violation, you will be asked for your license, registration, and proof of insurance. When operating a motor vehicle, you should always have your information updated and ready to hand to the officer. The cop will be aware that you are probably nervous, but you should try to stay calm and collected when providing this information. Remember, the officer is always observing you.

Consider the Field Sobriety Test

To help determine if you are intoxicated, a police officer may ask you to take a field sobriety test after removing you from your vehicle. These usually include the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) test, the walk-and-turn test, and the one-leg stand test. You are not legally obligated to submit to these tests, but an officer may construe a refusal as probable cause to arrest you. Taking the tests and not passing will also be used as evidence to arrest you and to try to convict you in court.

An officer may also ask you to submit to a breath, urine, or blood test to determine your blood alcohol level. A refusal to take these tests will result in a license suspension of 180 days if this is your first refusal. Subsequent refusals will result in a license suspension of 2 years each time. If convicted, your license will be suspended. It is important to consider the consequences of these tests, especially if you do have alcohol or drugs in your system. 

Invoke Your Right To Remain Silent

If the officer determines that you appear to be intoxicated, he will arrest you. Other than giving your full name, address, and birthday, you are not required to say anything else. In fact, it is your right to remain silent after being arrested, and you should. Anything you say can be used against you in court, so remaining silent eliminates that possibility. The only person you should speak to following your arrest is your lawyer.

Contact a DWI Attorney

Once you have been arrested, your first call should be to an experienced DWI attorney. The sooner that you contact a lawyer, the sooner he or she will be able to begin reviewing your case and mounting a defense. Waiting until the last minute takes valuable time away from the attorney and can negatively impact your case. Contact us to find out how we can handle your DWI case.

Don’t Panic

At every stage of the process, there will be stress and moments of panic. You must remember to remain calm, avoid speaking unless it is to your attorney, and don’t give the police anything they can use as evidence against you in court.

Our DWI Attorney Can Help

At The Dallas DWI Specialists, we have the knowledge, skills, and experience to defend your case in court, and we will work tirelessly to get you the best possible outcome. Being charged with a DWI in Dallas can be scary, but we are here to help you determine the best defense strategy for your situation so that we can work toward the highest chance of success. Call us now for a free consultation to review your case. We’ve helped many people beat their DWI case, and we can help you too.